Ducks Unlimited Canada
$70,000 (over 1 years)
Grant Stream: Resilient Greenbelt
Date Approved: Dec 6, 2018
Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) and the Greenbelt Foundation are partnering to support the installation of a naturalized stormwater management system in a new development site in the Greater Golden Horseshoe. This system, which will take the form of a naturalized pond, will mimic a natural asset by becoming a fully-functioning ecosystem that filters and stores stormwater, prevents flooding, and provides important habitat and greenspace. DUC is currently in the process of establishing partnerships with a suitable municipality and developer to demonstrate this technology for other new and existing developments.
The naturalized pond will mimic a natural asset by becoming a fully-functioning ecosystem that filters and stores stormwater, prevents flooding, and provides important habitat and greenspace.
Ducks Unlimited Canada draws on 80 years of experience installing and managing wetlands across Canada. Since 2002, DUC has successfully implemented and maintained over 90 naturalized stormwater management ponds (SWMP). Though they vary from site to site, in Winnipeg for example, this technology has drastically reduced maintenance costs for the City. Traditional wet ponds have costed the city $10k/ha annually. The naturalized stormwater management model costs only $2.1k/ha annually.