On December 13, 2021, the Government of Ontario introduced More Homes, More Choice: Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan and established a Housing Affordability Task Force with experts to provide advice and recommendations on additional measures to address housing affordability. A 30 day consultation period is now open, and the Greenbelt Foundation is pleased to issue a submission on the important job the Government has undertaken to increase housing affordability for Ontarians.
To achieve affordability, it is important to use the land designated for growth efficiently through intensification and the building of complete communities..."
Affordability is one of many key requirements for making Ontario livable and competitive. This is particularly true of the Greater Golden Horseshoe, a region whose growth is guided by a suite of provincial and municipal plans and policies to ensure that the region remains livable and sustainable by focusing growth as much as possible in existing urban areas and near existing major infrastructure investments.
One of these plans is the Greenbelt Plan, which ensures that vital environmental and agricultural lands, as well as water resources are protected from encroaching development that would compromise their functions and services to the people of southern Ontario.
Any discussions about housing supply must begin with an analysis of how much undeveloped land is already designated to accommodate projected population growth, understanding that municipalities are required to ensure such planning is in place and undertake a regular review of their plans to confirm it is up to date and adjust as necessary.
To achieve affordability, it is important to use the land designated for growth efficiently through intensification and the building of complete communities where people can afford to live near their workplaces, and where local economies are supported. Our submission provides insights into how to achieve affordability for residents and government by doing just that.
Read our full submission to the Housing Affordability Task Force HERE.