Near-Urban Nature Project: Maps
All Conservation Networks in the Greater Golden Horseshoe
The Conservation Network map characterizes existing biodiversity conservation plans and strategies produced by the following five conservation organizations:
The Conservation Blueprint, Nature Conservancy of Canada
The Big Picture, Carolinian Canada
Circuitscape, Bowman and Corder
Kawarthas Naturally Connected, Kawartha Land Trust
Cootes to the Escarpment EcoPark System
The networks are all shown simultaneously on this map, resulting in darker colours where multiple networks overlap identifying opportunities for protection of
natural areas and ecological corridors in near-urban landscapes across the Greater Golden Horseshoe.
Treaties and Municipalities in the Greater Golden Horseshoe
The Treaties and Municipal Boundaries map identify both First Nations Treaties, Reserves, and municipalities within the GGH and the project’s geography.
The SONC Coalition, with Cambium Indigenous Professional Services, is inviting all interested rights holders, landowners and land managers to participate in
the project’s engagement activities to share and discover effective actions to protect, restore, and manage natural areas and ecological corridors in near-urban landscapes.
Engagement with Indigenous communities will be carried out in accordance with community protocols and through the development of ethical space for
Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples to contribute equally and meaningfully. The first phase of this project's Indigenous engagement efforts will begin with the
Williams Treaty First Nations.
Land Cover in the Greater Golden Horseshoe
The Southern Ontario Land Resource Information System (SOLRIS) map contextualizes a landscape-level inventory of natural, agricultural and urban areas of the
Greater Golden Horseshoe. The map is an assessment of the landscape classifying ecological categories such as forests, wetlands, rare natural areas, etc.
To Learn more, contact us at: [email protected]