Oakvillegreen Conservation Association
About: Oakvillegreen is a local environmental non-profit organization founded in 2000. We work hand-in-hand with thousands of volunteers to restore the ecological functions of local lands and waters, creating a more resilient and connected community. Our ongoing restoration and stewardship work includes projects in Oakville's 3 Greenbelt Urban River Valleys: Fourteen Mile Creek, Sixteen Mile Creek and Bronte Creek. We offer hands-on opportunities to restore habitat, working with local volunteers from the community, including youth and school groups, and corporate groups.
You can discover more about Oakville's creeks and urban river valleys, and all the benefits they bring, through our Discover Your Creek program: http://oakvillegreen.org/discover-your-creek/
Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities, Educational opportunities, Corporate opportunities, education and hands-on programming for school groups
Learn more: www.oakvillegreen.org
Contact: [email protected]
Norval Community Association
About: Norval is situated on the Credit River and the NCA volunteers look after the green spaces and park areas along the sides of the river in the village. We are working with POWER (a local environmental group) and David Suzuki Foundation - to restore the riverside areas by removing invasive plants and planting native pollinator species.
Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities, Educational opportunities, Events, Corporate opportunities
Learn more: www.norval-on-the-credit.ca
Contact: [email protected]
Conservation Halton
About: Conservation Halton delivers projects, programs and services in Halton and Hamilton for landowners and community members to participate in with respect to ravines, streams and urban river valleys. Conservation Halton leads restoration project workdays, undertakes environmental monitoring, runs educational workshops and provides landowner consultations.
Volunteers can support one off workdays or engage longer term as a member of the CH Volunteer Core, which accepts 20 applicants annually.
Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities, Educational opportunities, Events
Learn more: conservationhalton.ca
Contact: [email protected]
Halton Environmental Network
About: Halton Environmental Network (HEN) propels climate action & environmental sustainability in Halton. As a grassroots organization, supporting our community since 2004, HEN is recognized for its successful programs including Halton Green Screens, Greening Sacred Spaces Halton-Peel, Generation Green, OakvilleReady, Halton Food, & Food Loss & Waste Study. HEN is also the backbone agency of the Halton Climate Collective. HEN propels the Pop-Up Clean-Up initiative where litter is collected, measured & properly disposed of to protect our green spaces & waterways.
Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities, Educational opportunities, Events
Learn more: https://haltonenvironet.ca/ca
Contact: [email protected]
GASP (Grand(m)others Act to Save the Planet
About: GASP is a grassroots, non-partisan group of grandmothers and grand'others' who care deeply about the world our descendants will inherit. When the Provincial government gutted the Conservation Authorities and started using MZOs to gain access to wetlands, farmlands, and other green spaces, we formed a Ford Watch Committee. We are working to stop sprawl and partnering with other environmental groups.
Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities, Educational opportunities, Events
Learn more: www.GASP4change.org
Facebook: GASP Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet Twitter: Gasp4Change
Contact: i[email protected] 905-466-3543 Lorraine Green, Co-chair
Sustainable Milton
About: Sustainable Milton is focused on creating a sustainable and resilient Milton by supporting and promoting activities that enhance our environment and help reduce the impacts of climate change. Our activities take place within the Niagara Escarpment biosphere which encompasses multiple ravines and watercourses. These activities include organized cleanups and re-naturalization projects along the 16 Mile Creek. Through these activities we are creating pollinator habitat and increasing biodiversity within the Town of Milton.
Opportunities: Volunteer opportunities, Educational opportunities, Events
Learn more: http://sustainablemilton.ca/
Contact: Mishal Naseer <[email protected]>
Cover photo by: Jeff Dickie