The Greenbelt Farmers Market Network is a network of over 85 markets that span Southern Ontario. With support from the Greenbelt Foundation, the network is moving to online sales to ensure farmers have an online market place and that Ontarians are...
By investing in natural areas, municipalities can save money, reduce reliance on expensive built infrastructure, mitigate the effects of extreme weather and create much-needed jobs.
Using climate modeling in two neighbourhoods in Peel Region, the report finds that increasing the number of mature trees could lower average daily temperatures by 2 °C and at times it could feel as much as 11 °C cooler.
The initiative will help the municipalities invest in the creek’s watershed as a means of cost-effectively addressing local flood-risk and water contamination in Hamilton Harbour.
“Moving into our 16th year, the Greenbelt Foundation looks forward to working together with the Moraine Foundation to strengthen our work as champions of conservation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe.”
The addition of these waterways to the Greenbelt is an important recognition of the vital role the Greenbelt plays in protecting the hydrological features we rely on for clean drinking water, flood protection, and healthy ecosystems.
Aside from the ecological benefits, the Niagara Escarpment offers some of Ontario's most beautiful and unique natural settings in which to walk, camp, cycle, or drive.