Wilmot Creek

The Greenbelt protection has extended to 21 major urban river valleys and 7 coastal wetlands across the Greater Golden Horseshoe - including the Wilmot Creek! 

The addition of these waterways to the Greenbelt is an important recognition of the vital role the Greenbelt plays in protecting the hydrological features we rely on for clean drinking water, flood protection, and healthy ecosystems.

The Wilmot Creek watershed flows through the Municipality of Clarington in the Regional Municipality of Durham and has its uppermost headwaters in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Every 5 years the Ganaraska Conservation releases a report card to assess the health of the Wilmot Creek watershed. Grades around urbanized areas typically decline because of reduced natural vegetation and hard surfaces, such as roads and roofs. Protecting the urban river valleys is very important for our communities health. 

Top facts about the Wilmot Creek:


The Wilmot Creek watershed is recognized for its fisheries, aquatic habitat, terrestrial natural heritage and recreational opportunities.


The fisheries at Wilmot Creek are supported by a sustainable habitat of cold to cool water within the upper threequarters of the watershed, with warm water communities in the lower main branch of the watershed.


There is a lack of available water quality data for the entire Wilmot Creek watershed. The need for better understanding of water quality and sources of pollution is recognized as an important step to managing the fisheries in Wilmot Creek.


Wilmot Creek supports a fish community dominated by Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), Brown Trout (Salmo trutta), Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), scuplins (Cottidae species), darters (Etheostoma species), and cyprinids.


The terrestrial natural habitat of Wilmot Creek includes forest, meadows and wetlands.

Want to learn more?

Right now, we are working with community groups, municipalities and organizations across the Greenbelt to ensure the urban river valleys and the Greenbelt remain healthy for generations to come.

The Ganaraska Conservation has produced extensive research about the Wilmot Creek.

The Ganaraska Conservation organizes many events to help you learn more about the watershed, or you could check-out our events page.
