Request for Proposals:
Greenbelt Indicators – Data Analysis and Report Writing
The Greenbelt Foundation is in the final stage of a multi-year project to report on a set of indicators for monitoring thematic areas relevant to the sustainability of the Greenbelt and work of the Foundation. The goals of this project are to improve knowledge, understanding and awareness of the Greenbelt, including monitoring the state of the Greenbelt, achievement of the Greenbelt Plan vision and goals, and the environmental, social and economic benefits associated with the Greenbelt.
To understand the success of the Greenbelt Plan and inform the work of the Foundation and other partners working to increase its resiliency, information is needed to understand how the physical, social, and economic landscapes are changing over time. Building and communicating information and knowledge about the Greenbelt requires identification of spatial and temporal trends in agriculture systems, natural systems, tourism, cultural heritage, development of complete communities, rural economies, and climate resilience.
Previous work done by the Foundation on this project has included a literature review and stakeholder consultation to identify potential methods of monitoring the Greenbelt’s systems. A background report on the results of that research, including a list of monitoring indicators, was produced, and can be provided upon request. For a copy, please email [email protected].
In addition, this work will build on and includes recent Foundation reports such as the Greenbelt Value of Nature Survey for Recreation in the Greater Golden Horseshoe; the Economic Impact Assessment of the Ontario Greenbelt; and Growing Close to Home: Creating Complete Rural Communities. Foundation staff have completed initial data collection and analysis on indicators related to four thematic areas: the natural environment, the agricultural system, the rural economy, and rural communities. The next steps of the research will be to finalize the data collection and analysis and write the final report.
Project Objective
The objectives of this project are to finalize the data collection and analysis on the indicators and write the final report for monitoring all of the thematic areas relevant to the sustainability of the Greenbelt.
Scope of Work
There are 6 stages to this project and the vendor is expected to work with and report back to the Foundation staff on each stage.
Stage 1:
Draft a work plan, review the project research completed to date and relevant Foundation reports, and consult with Foundation staff to confirm the work plan.
Stage 2:
Data collection for the remaining indicators. Below is the list of the indicators that require data to be collected:
- Employment in the forest and aggregate industries
- Use of trails within the Greenbelt
- Heritage site venues and visitors within the Greenbelt
- Agri-tourism venues and visitors within the Greenbelt
- Culturally specific programs offered within the Greenbelt (e.g., programs, events, activities developed by or for BIPOC communities)
- Employment in Greenbelt Towns and Villages
- Intensification rate of municipalities within the Greenbelt
- Total area of urban boundary expansions in the Greater Golden Horseshoe Region
- Total area of unbuilt designated greenfields and the proposed density of these areas inside the Greater Golden Horseshoe Region
- Public transit and active transportation use
- 2023 watershed report card data from Conservation Authorities
- Soil organic carbon (AAFC) and crop diversification
Stage 3:
Review and finalization of the current data analysis/visualization for the indicators. Below is the list of the indicators that require further data analysis:
- Housing, population growth and density in Greenbelt towns and villages
- Public transit and active transportation availability
- Validating species at-risk data
Stage 4:
Draft and lead a presentation to the Advisory Committee and analysis of Committee members’ feedback. Revise the indicators included in the report based on that feedback.
Stage 5:
Draft report and submit to Foundation staff for review, presentation to Foundation staff on research findings.
Stage 6:
Finalizing and submitting the report.
Based on the scope of work and the project phasing above, the deliverables include:
- Workplan with agreed upon deadlines
- Data collection and analysis
- Draft content to give presentation to Advisory Committee
- Presentation to Advisory Committee
- Presentation of draft report findings to Foundation staff
- Draft of final report
- Final report (by end of December 2023)
Proposal Requirements
Interested parties should submit proposals by 5:00 pm on Friday October 6, 2023, including the following information:
- the candidate’s or team’s strengths and experience, as they pertain to this project,
- the proposed approach to be taken to meet the purpose of the project,
- roles and level of effort for each team member (if more than one),
- deliverables and timing,
- detailed budget,
- CV(s),
- three relevant references.
The Greenbelt Foundation reserves the right to choose any or none of the vendors responding to this request for proposals.
Any questions and completed proposals should be directed to:
Sara Macdonald
Senior Research and Policy Analyst
Greenbelt Foundation
[email protected]