Our Work


The Foundation invests in enhancing understanding of the Greenbelt’s invaluable natural and economic systems. We collaborate with experts, and undertake and fund research and analysis that helps ensure the long term health and prosperity of the Greenbelt, with a particular focus on the Greenbelt’s agricultural system, natural heritage system, rural economies, and the implementation of the Greenbelt Plan itself.

We would love to hear from you if you have suggestions for topics we should be researching or if you are a researcher yourself.

Please contact us at [email protected]

To view more of our research projects, visit OUR WORK.

What we're reading and researching: 





Soil Health Benchmarking Program:

The Greenbelt Foundation and soil scientists at the Soil Health Institute are working together with Ontario agricultural partners to develop an interpretable, scalable, locally relevant method for evaluating and monitoring soil health. 

Find out more.


Our Webinars: